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Building Control

Building Control

About Building Control

The building control system applies to the design and construction of new buildings, extensions and material alterations to, and certain changes in the use of, existing buildings.

The Building Control section seeks to promote good practice in the design and construction of buildings and do this by visiting and inspecting developments under construction and are authorised to request and examine documents, drawings and other materials relevant to the work.


As far as possible, efforts are made to try and resolve issues through discussion with the owner/builder/designer to find an agreed solution.  The legislation, however, allows a Building Control Authority to serve an enforcement notice in relation to contraventions of the Building Regulations, and to take summary proceedings where breaches of Building Control Regulations occur. 


The information contained here is intended to provide practical guidance and is not a definitive legal interpretation of building control law.


It is a legal requirement that buildings must be designed and built in accordance with the Building Regulations.


For more details on current legislation and how to submit a notice or make an application, please use the following links:


Other useful information can be found by clicking the following links.