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Commencement Notice with Compliance Documentation

1. Commencement Notice with Compliance Documentation

This type of notice is used for the following:

  • The construction of a building, including a domestic dwelling or domestic dwellings in a multi-unit development
  • The extension of a domestic dwelling by more than 40m² - see Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration also
  • Works which require a fire safety certificate

The owner must appoint a competent builder and registered professional(s) (registered architect, registered building surveyor or chartered engineer) as designer and assigned certifier.

An inspection plan and a number of construction drawings necessary to outline compliance with the technical requirements of the building regulations are also required.

If a Fire Safety Certificate is required for the works to be undertaken this must be already GRANTED before this notice is submitted.

The fee for the submission of this type of commencement notice is €30 per building (subject to maximum as set out in the Building Control Regulations 1997 (as amended)).  For details relating to fees see Fifth Schedule to the Building Control Regulations 1997 (as amended).

If you have not used the BCMS previously for the submission of any notice or application relating to Building Control, it will be necessary for you to sign up for a BCMS account in order to access the online submission facility.  Please go to BCMS and use the Sign Up option to register for an account.

For further details on the requirements relating to commencement notices see Part II of the Building Control Regulations 1997 (as amended).

On completion of a development for which a Commencement Notice with Compliance Documentation has been submitted, and before the works or building can be opened, operated or occupied, a Certificate of Compliance on Completion (CCC) must be submitted and particulars uploaded to the statutory register.  This CCC must be accompanied by a number of ancillary certificates for specific elements of the works along with drawings indicating any changes made to the design of the works or building since commencement stage.  In addition, records of inspections carried out by the Assigned Certifier during the course of construction, known as the Inspection Plan as Implemented, must also be uploaded.  The CCC must be signed by both the builder and the Assigned Certifier.