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Planning Applications

On the following pages you will find information on how the planning application process works, how to make a planning observation/submission, and details on the relevant fees and charges. You’ll also find what constitutes an Exempted Development, be able to find details on pre-planning guidelines and consultations as well as searching planning applications, maps and drawings.

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Planning Application SD24A/187W- Material Contravention of Development Plan

Planning application register reference SD24A/187W proposed the construction of a 4-storey Primary Care Centre building which will provide HSE Services such as general primary care, mental health, disability and older person services; The building will accommodate GP rooms, day care center with associated kitchen facilities and external deck amenity space, pharmacy, treatment/consultation rooms, primary care administrative offices, as well as ancillary accommodation including staff facilities, offices, meeting rooms, reception/waiting areas, ESB substation and plan.


If granted, it is considered that the development would contravene materially the following objective of the development plan:

Land Use Zoning Objective Open Space - To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities. Note - primary health care center use is not permitted on lands zoned Open Space and the development is proposed on lands zoned Open Space.

The full application is available to view at the following link: Planning Portal.

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Any submission or observation as regards the consideration of a decision to grant permission received not later than Monday 20th January will be duly considered by the

planning authority.

Submissions or observations in relation to the proposed development, may be made as follows:

Online at: South Dublin County Council’s online Planning Portal

( or by email to until 11.59pm on Monday 20th January 2025 or

In writing:

Not later than 5pm, on Monday 20th January 2025 to: Planning Registry, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 A3XC.