New eTenders system
Urgent – For attention of suppliers (Economic Operators)
Account Activation required on new eTenders system.
The new ‘eTenders’ platform is now live and can be accessed here.
All supplier accounts registered prior to 14th March 2023 were migrated to the new “eTenders” platform but action is required to activate them.
New competitions including Mini-Competitions and tenders from existing Frameworks /Dynamic Purchasing Systems and Utilities Qualification Systems will be launched on the new “eTenders” platform from 22nd May 2023.
All suppliers must update and activate their accounts and in order to get alerts for tendering opportunities from Monday 22nd May 2023.
If you are a participant in an established Framework/ Dynamic Purchasing System and Utilities Qualification Systems, you must activate your user account URGENTLY.
At a minimum one member of your organisation must update their registration details. This should only take a few minutes.
Follow the steps in the Economic Operator (Supplier) First Login Guides available here.
Please go to the eTenders webpage www.etenders.gov.ie to find important information on the actions you need to take.
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