Coronavirus Covid-19 Information
South Dublin County Council Public Offices Closure from Monday 30 March
South Dublin County Council confirms that following the announcement by An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar T.D. on Friday, March 27 of new nationwide COVID-19 measures, that all of its offices are now closed to the public with immediate effect and will remain closed until further notice.
The Council is advising customers and citizens not to physically call to Council offices for any reason as they will not be able to gain access. Throughout, the Council will remain available to you. Anyone wishing to contact us can do so by telephone (01 4149000) or email info@sdublincoco.ie.
Contacts for Council Services
Customer Care | info@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149000 | ||
Out of Hours Emergency Number | 01 4574907 |
Customer Care should be contacted for all services other than the following:
Rates | dcu@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149336 | ||
Local Enterprise Office | info@leo.sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149215 | ||
Cash Office | cashoffice@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149121 | ||
Accounts Payable/Suppliers | accountspayable@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149123 | ||
HAP Support | HAPsupport@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149314 | ||
Rents | hrent@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149000 | ||
Homeless Services | sdcchomeless@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149364 | ||
Planning Department | planningdept@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149000 | ||
Planning Enforcement | planenforcement@sdublincoco.ie | 01 4149000 |
We thank you for your understanding during this time.
Please follow public health guidance and stay safe during this time.
Community Call
South Dublin County Council has been mandated by the government to co-ordinate the community response to the COVID-19 emergency in the County. Accordingly, a South Dublin Community Response Forum has been established to lead the co-ordination of COVID-19 community supports and resilience, including, An Garda Síochána, Health Service Executive, Dublin GAA, ALONE, South Dublin County Partnership, Tusla, and more.
You can find more information on the community response forum by clicking here.
To help with our South Dublin COVID-19 Community Response Forum we are asking existing community, voluntary, sporting and other organisations in the County to provide details of the resources and supports that they can offer to the Forum. This includes details of key contact points, an overview of available volunteer members including details of Garda or other vetting, the possible services that the organisation could provide and their geographical area of operation. Please click here to find out how to take part.
Planning Services
In accordance with Circular PL02/2020 Planning and Development during the COVID 19 Emergency, issued by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government on 29th March 2020, the Council will continue to accept planning applications by post. However, the Council cannot accept applications online or by courier delivery.
Read more on planning arrangements here.
The Council understands the financial pressures being experienced by businesses in the County and encourages any ratepayers experiencing difficulties in paying their commercial rates to contact our dedicated team through ratesdept@sdublincoco.ie to discuss their situation.
Income from commercial rates makes up over 50% of South Dublin County Council’s budget per annum and is critical for the continuing operations of services, such as
- Public lighting, footpath repair and maintenance,
- Housing services
- Parks, sports facilities and playgrounds
- Libraries, community and arts facilities
- The Business Support Fund
- Tourism development
and more.
Council Now Accepting Credit and Debit Card Payments
South Dublin County Council is now accepting Debit and Credit Card payments.
This may be helpful for Housing rents and loan customers. Please contact us by phone at 01 4149121 or by email at cashoffice@sdublincoco.ie and we will process the payments.
Difficulty Paying Your Local Authority Home Loan Mortgage
Have you a home loan with South Dublin County Council and have concerns or difficulties in making your repayments due to the COVID 19 emergency measures?
Please contact our mortgage team by email hloanacc@SDUBLINCOCO.ie or for further details visit Difficulty Paying - SDCC.
COVID-19: HPL1 Temporary Process
Social Housing applicants should note that in light of the COVID-19 emergency, a temporary alternate arrangement has been put in place that will remove the need to have to obtain a physically completed HPL1 form from Revenue, either in person, by post, or by Revenue’s online systems ROS/MyAccount. Instead, an applicant can request that the local authority undertake an electronic process to obtain the information from the Revenue Commissioners. Persons who wish to avail of this option should contact the Council and request that the relevant HPL1 information is obtained on their behalf by the local authority.
South Dublin County Council COVID-19 Emergency Fund
The South Dublin County Council COVID-19 Emergency Fund provides grants to groups that are participating in the Local Authority led Community Call effort in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here for the application form.
Click here for the guidelines.
In line with the Government’s Roadmap for re-opening Society and Business and as per amended Phase 2 re-opening plans; from the 8th of June South Dublin County Council are planning to gradually reopen playgrounds, playspaces and skateparks. We will be immediately commencing a rolling process of safety inspections and these facilities will be opened on a phased basis across the county. Community Centres remain closed; so any play facilities that depend on access via a Community Centre will remain closed. Please check the internet as we will publish a list of playgrounds as they are re-opened.
Find out more here.
Dublin’s four local authorities have come together to create a designated time for cocooners who wish to exercise in their local parks.
From Monday the 18th of May 2020, people may engage in outdoor activities, either individually or in small groups (maximum of 4 people) and only where social distancing can be maintained and there is no contact.
Please continue to use discretion and if a car park or other park facility is busy or full, leave and return later or go to another, less busy location.
The 5km limit on distance to travel from home for exercise purposes remains in place.
For more information on parks please click here
Council allotments to reopen
In light of the Government of Ireland, Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business, phase 1, South Dublin County Council allotments will reopen on Monday, 18th May.
In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 the following must be adhered to at all times;
· allotments holders are only permitted to visit their own allotment site
· allotment holders are not allowed have any visitors at their site, even if it is a family member from the same household
· Guidelines on Social Distancing must always be adhered to
· Allotment holders are reminded of the 5 kilometers travel restriction which remains in place
· In line with the Schedule of Terms & Conditions of letting, allotments holders are reminded that they should exercise a duty of care towards themselves, other allotment holders and the general public
· The Council will monitor the allotments closely and noncompliance with any of the above will be taken into consideration when reviewing allotment allocations for 2021
These measures have been introduced to protect our communities and particularly older people and those who are medically vulnerable, by slowing the spread of the virus.
Recycling Services
The South Dublin County Council Civic Amenity site at Ballymount remains open, to facilitate the disposal of domestic waste where the householder does not avail of a door to door collection. Members of the public are advised to use the site only if it is essential. The Council’s bring bank sites remain open to the public for recycling of glass and these are being serviced as normal by the Council’s service provider.
More recycling information is available here.
In This Together
South Dublin County Council is offering a range of activities and resources as part of a new “In This Together” initiative, launched by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on Friday (April 24).
The campaign aims to help everyone in Ireland to Stay Connected, Stay Active, and look after their Mental Health throughout the Covid-19 Emergency.
Find out more here.
Library Services
South Dublin Libraries will operate a 'Contact and Collect' service as part of the phased re-opening of libraries from 8th June. All our libraries will be taking part in this scheme so you will be able to contact your local library and speak to the staff.
We will be adhering to government guidelines on opening our service so that we do not compromise the safety of our public and our staff. We ask our patrons to for their patience while we develop and roll out the services we can deliver for and to you over the next few months.
Find out more by clicking here.
Supporting Frontline Workers
South Dublin County Council has made their Cyc-Lok bicycle lockers free to use during the COVID-19 restriction phase up to the 5th May. The bicycle lockers are located at Civic Theatre Tallaght and Grange Road Rathfarnham providing secure bicycle parking for long or short-term parking. They also have the advantage of being close to the Luas, Tallaght and the 16, 17, 61 and 75 bus routes from Grange Road. Cyc-Lok’s lockers are completely enclosed and protect bikes and belongings from third-party viewing.
Find out more by clicking here.
Community Clean-Ups
Community Cleanups remain on hold at the moment due to Government and HSE restrictions regarding COVID 19. Due to our offices being closed we cannot provide anyone with clean-up materials such as bags, gloves, litter pickers etc.
It's more important than ever that we all do our bit to prevent litter appearing around the county. If you are using disposable gloves when out and about, please remember to dispose of them safely!
Please respect the guidelines by staying indoors unless it’s for essential travel or exercise locally.
More Information
For the latest advice and information from the HSE on Coronavirus COVID-19, please visit their Coronavirus Page.
For daily updates, please visit GOV.IE
To download the Government's COVID-19 booklet, please go here.
For road safety tips during the phased roadmap, please click here.
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