South Dublin County Launches Heritage App
The South Dublin County Heritage Trail App was launched by the Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Cllr Vicki Casserly at an event in the Round Tower Visitor Centre – Brú Chrónáin, Clondalkin on Tuesday 18 February.
The app is fully interactive, user-friendly and highlights the history and heritage of Clondalkin village whilst drawing attention to the Round Tower Visitor Centre as a focal point of the trail.
The mobile tourism app can greatly expand on the capabilities of a phone, using GPS to guide the user and camera and audio features to make the experience much more immersive, engaging and real through bringing historical sites to life.
The idea for the heritage app came out of the €300k Have Your Say Participatory Budgeting consultative process for the Clondalkin Electoral Area, where members of the public were asked to suggest funding ideas for their area and then voted on a shortlist of agreed projects.
Mayor Vicki Casserly said
“The result of a number of months of work, this innovative heritage app is the first of its kind in the local authority sector in Ireland. It has multilingual capabilities, is available on different mobile app platforms and uses maps to direct users to nearby places of interest.”
The app includes 16 individual heritage points of interest in and around Clondalkin village using images, text and audio for each point and is available in Irish, English, French and German. It is wi-fi activated and uses Android or Apple maps to direct users to nearby places of interest. Each site will have its own uniquely identifiable sign that will display a QR code to allow anyone download the app.
The app is free to download to mobile phones and tablets from now by searching South Dublin Co Heritage or Clondalkin Heritage Trail.
Image: Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Cllr. Vicki Casserly at the launch of the South Dublin County Heritage Trail app with (L-R) Frank Nevin, Director of Services, Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development, South Dublin County Council, Anthony Curran, Catherine Breen and Ralph McGarry from the Council’s County Promotion Unit who oversaw the app’s development.
For more information, contact South Dublin County Council Communications Unit at communications@sdublincoco.ie
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