
NOISE Dublin

NOISE Dublin


NOISE Music Summer Programmes – Free DJing, songwriting, music production and performance workshops for young people in South Dublin County

NOISE Music are busy running free summer programmes for young people throughout South Dublin County. Starting in July and running until mid-August they will be in Griffeen Youth Centre in Lucan, Adamstown YCC, Quarryvale Community Centre in North Clondalkin, Palmerstown YCC, Rathcoole Community Centre, The Park Community Centre in Firhouse, Tallaght Library, Whitechurch Community Centre, and Brookfield YCC.

Participants in the programme will learn how to write and produce their own music, as well as use industry standard professional DJing equipment to learn basic DJing skills such as beat matching, looping, and adding effects. For young people who already have some experience NOISE Music will help them to bring their skills and confidence to the next level - introducing them to more advanced techniques and helping them to learn more about careers in the industry.

Programmes are open to young people aged from 12 – 18, and there are a limited number of places still available. Age ranges vary from location to location so to find out more detailed information on what’s available in your local area please follow the link, or scan the QR code, on the flyer above.

NOISE Dublin is the Youth Arts programme offered by South Dublin County Council Arts Office for ages 13 – 25 years. Through a variety of festivals and programmes NOISE Dublin provides support and opportunities for young people to learn, train, experience and work in the arts.

The goal of NOISE Dublin is to ensure that young people have a chance to take part and progress in the arts either through one-off events or long term career plans. On the site you'll learn more about our festivals and programmes, funding opportunities, jobs, internships, residencies in the arts and hear from professionals working across the arts, creative industries and cultural sector.

You can find the site here - - and find out more about opportunities for young people in the Arts.