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Solid Fuel

Solid Fuel

Solid Fuels Regulations 2022

The New Solid Fuel Regulations came into Irish Law with effect from the 31st of October 2022. The Air Pollution Act 1987 (Solid Fuel) Regulations 2022 aims to build upon previous efforts to improve Air Quality across Ireland and to reduce premature deaths and illnesses arising from air pollution. The primary focus of the draft regulations is on the large-scale, commercial sale of smoky fuels, including smoky coal, turf, and wet wood. These fuels are proven to be a major contributor to air pollution in Ireland.

Alternative, low-smoke fuels/ Smokeless Coals are cleaner, more cost-efficient and reduce exposure to harmful pollutants.

Householders should be aware that burning any type of waste in a domestic fire is illegal and leads to the release of toxic substances into the air in your home and the surrounding environment. Treated timber, which contains glues, resins, and paints, should also never be burned in a domestic fire for the same reasons.

Under the regulations, the following new health standards for solid fuels now apply:

  • Coal products and manufactured solid fuels must have a smoke emission rate of less than 10g/hour.
  • Manufactured part biomass products must have a smoke emission rate of less than 5g/hr.
  • Coal products and manufactured solid fuels, including manufactured part biomass products, must have a sulphur content of less than 2% by weight on a dry ash-free basis and subject to a market assessment, from 1 September 2025 this will be reduced to less than 1%.
  • Fuel products which are 100% biomass products including wood products and wood logs, supplied in units under 2m³, must have a moisture content less than 25% (from 1 September 2025, this will be reduced to less than 20%).
  • Wet wood sold over these volumes will be required to come with instructions for the purchaser on how to appropriately dry the wood i.e., the need to store and season wet wood until it is sufficiently dried.
  • It will not be possible to sell turf via retail, online or other online or media outlets, in public houses or other public places. Persons with turbary rights may continue to cut turf for their own use and retain the ability to gift turf, therefore if you currently source turf from family, friends, neighbour’s, outside of the channels previously mentioned this can continue.

Compliance Inspections shall be carried out by Environmental Health Officers in South Dublin County Council.

Useful Links:


What the new regulations mean to Householders: FAQ for Householders

Retailers: FAQ For Retailers

Producers/Importers: FAQ For Producers Or Importers

Couriers/Haulage Companies: FAQ For Couriers And Haulage Companies

“Let’s Clear the Air” National Campaign: https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/80237-lets-clear-the-air/