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Age Friendly Housing

Age Friendly Housing and Rightsizing

Rightsizing means finding a home that’s right for you now and in the future. This might mean moving to a smaller home or somewhere on one level. Under our Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022-2026, the Council, together with Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) expects delivery of up to 600 high-quality, new age friendly homes to support older people to age in place and live independently for longer in their own communities.

There are new age friendly homes in Sallymills, Templeogue Village, St. Marks and Maplewood / Fernwood, The Weir and Brady’s Field. In addition, design teams are in place for new developments at St Aongus Green, St Ronan’s Crescent, Pearse Brothers Park and Sarsfield Park with these homes due to commence in 2024. Allocations have commenced for the initial homes becoming available with properties advertised through Choice Based Letting and Rightsizing applications are being progressed from both social housing tenants and private homeowners.

Click here for information on our age friendly developments : Age Friendly Housing and Rightsizing - SDCC