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Foireann Bainistíochta

Management Team and Senior Staff Structure

Chief Executive


Colm Ward

Director of Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development


Jason Frehill

Director of Housing, Social and Community Development

Elaine Leech 

Director of Environment, Water and Climate Change


Teresa Walsh

Director of Land Use, Planning and Transportation


Eoin Burke

Director of Corporate Performance and Change Management


Lorna Maxwell

Director of Finance

SDCC - Ronan Fitzgerald

Ronan Fitzgerald

Head of Information Systems


Tommy Kavanagh

County Architect


Cian Harte

Law Agent


Sean O'Shea

Economic, Enterprise and Tourism DevelopmentLocal Enterprise OfficeThomas RooneyHead of Local Enterprise
Economic DevelopmentLaura LeonardSenior Executive Officer
Library ServicesPaul FuscoCounty Librarian
Arts OfficerOrla ScannellArts Officer
Housing, Social and Community DevelopmentCommunity ServicesPaul McAlerneySenior Community Officer
CommunityEdel ClancyA/Senior Executive Officer
Sports ServicesThomas McDermottLocal Sports Co-ordinator
Housing Operations ManagementAmanda MillsSenior Executive Officer
Housing Provision and Financial ManagementFiona HendleyA/Senior Executive Officer
Housing Provision and Financial Management (Construction)Vivienne HartnettSenior Executive Officer
Environment, Water and Climate ChangeEnvironment, Public Realm and WaterSharon ConroySenior Executive Officer
Environment and Public RealmLeo MageeSenior Engineer
Public RealmSuzanne FurlongSenior Parks Superintendent
Water and Drainage OperationsDerek SargentSenior Engineer (Acting)
Climate ChangeDamien McNultyA/Senior Engineer
Environmental AwarenessFionnghuala RyanEnvironmental Awareness Officer
Land Use, Planning and TransportationPlanning and TransportationMary MaguireSenior Executive Officer
Building Control, Taking in Charge, Roads Design and ConstructionJohn HegartySenior Engineer 
Road Design and Construction, and NTA ProjectsMichael McAdamA/Senior Engineer
Road MaintenanceGary WalshSenior Engineer
Development Management, Registry and EnforcementVacantSenior Planner
PlanningGormla O'CorrainSenior Planner
Forward Planning, SDZ and SchoolsHazel CraigieSenior Planner
Heritage PromotionRosaleen DwyerHeritage Officer
Corporate Performance and Change ManagementCorporate ServicesBrenda ShannonA/Senior Executive Officer
Meetings Administration and Customer ServiceMiriam ReillyAdministrative Officer
FOI, AIE, Data Protection & Information Governance Officer   Roberta MastrogregoriA/Administrative Officer
CommunicationsDeclan HealyCommunications Manager
Corporate ProcurementPamela BrennanA/Administrative Officer
Health and SafetySean FoxHealth and Safety Officer
Internal AuditAndy McNallyAdministrative Officer
HR ManagementDeirdre WallA/Senior Executive Officer
HR ManagementMichelle Reilly A/Administrative Officer
FinanceFinancial ManagementAngela O'MeliaFinancial Management Accountant
Financial ManagementFiona CarrollFinancial Management Accountant
Debtor ManagementCiara MoranFinancial Management Accountant
Information SystemsInformation SystemsBernard GaughanAssistant Head of IT
Architectural ServicesArchitectural Services

Therese Pender

Aidan McNamara

Senior Architect
LawLegal ServicesAmanda TreacySenior Solicitor

Foireann Bainistíochta