Voting is Open for €300k Have Your Say!
Public voting on South Dublin County Council’s €300k Have Your Say initiative in the Clondalkin Electoral Area has commenced. Residents of Clondalkin, Newcastle and Rathcoole are asked to vote on a shortlist of 24 projects which aim to improve the quality of life for residents, visitors and businesses in the area.
The Council received 230 submissions during the consultation process which took place during April. Submissions were received online and through a series of local consultations meetings held throughout the area.
The participatory budgeting steering committee, which is made up of Elected Members and Council Officials, reviewed and consolidated all ideas into a comprehensive shortlist. The recommendations were then brought to the full council for approval on Monday, 14th of May.
Participatory Budgeting is an innovative democratic process which facilitates citizens in a local community to directly decide how to spend a portion of a public budget in their area. It gives people direct power to determine spending priorities and to improve their community.
A shortlist of 24 ideas are now up for public vote through the following link: https://haveyoursay.southdublin.ie/Home/Vote
Voting closes on Sunday, May 27th.