Tallaght District Heating excavation works to begin
Excavation and pipe-laying works on the Tallaght District-heating Network will move this week commencing 4 October 2021 to the Belgard Square North Road.
This work will require temporary closure of the road section between the Belgard Road roundabout at the TU Dublin main entrance and the roundabout at the junction of Belgard Square North and Belgard Square East for several weeks.
Traffic, including buses, will be temporarily diverted from the section affected by works via Belgard Square East. A small number of conifer trees on the Belgard Road roundabout will be destabilised by the pipework and in the interests of public and traffic safety require them to be removed; the number of trees will be kept to a minimum. These trees and other planting affected will be carefully replaced when the works are completed.
South Dublin County Council (SDCC) regrets any inconvenience to the public and every effort will be made to minimise disruption.
Tallaght District Heating Network, trading as Heatworks, is Ireland’s first publicly owned, not-for-profit energy company, which will provide low carbon heat to local community buildings. Heatworks will begin supplying heat in 2022, with initial customers being the Council and the Tallaght campus of the Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin). The Council buildings heated by this project in the short term will include County Hall and Tallaght County Library followed by 135 new affordable apartments and the SDCC Innovation Building. When Phase 1 is completed it is estimated that the project will reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the South Dublin County area by nearly 1,500 tonnes per year. The system will initially heat 47,000 m2 of public sector buildings, 3,000m2 of commercial space, and 135 affordable rental apartments.
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