Summary of Social Housing Assessments 2021
Summary of Social Housing Assessments 2021
South Dublin County Council is commencing a Housing Needs Assessment in accordance with Sections 3 and 21 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2009.
The Council will write to each applicant on its Social Housing List who were included on the list between the 10 April 2019 and 30 July 2020 ONLY using the most recent address on file. If you have moved address and have not notified South Dublin County Council, please update your details immediately. If your date of application falls outside of these dates you will not be contacted.
Each applicant will be asked to complete a SSHA form and provide documentary evidence of any changes in their circumstances and return this information to South Dublin County Council.
If you fail to return this information within the specified time, your application for social housing support WILL be terminated.
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