South Dublin County Council wins Heritage Award
South Dublin County Council are very pleased to announce that one of its cultural heritage projects has received a County Award today for South Dublin County from the Heritage Council for Heritage Week 2023.
‘Threading the Tower, re-imagining the Clondalkin Round Tower’ engaged with the Irish Crochet Lace Revival group, the Council’s Heritage Officer, the Lace Artist Fiona Harrington, and the wider community of crochet makers of Clondalkin and beyond. Together, a model of the Clondalkin Round Tower was designed and created using fine-thread crochet lace attached to a framework of copper wire and stainless steel.
Participants who contributed crochet lace to the project include family descendants of the Clondalkin women who supplied crochet to the atelier of Sybil Connolly in the 1950s and 1960s. The theme of Heritage Week 2023 was ‘Living Heritage’, and the participation of so many individuals in this cultural heritage project embodies that concept.
The crochet lace tower is currently on display in Clondalkin Library. It will shortly be hosted in other SDCC Libraries over the coming months before joining the permanent display in the Clondalkin Round Tower Visitor Centre.
This project was supported under the Creative Ireland programme and the SDCC Heritage Plan.
Further Information at heritage@sdublincoco.ie
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