South Dublin County Council Heatwave Update
General Advice
South Dublin County Council would like to advise its citizens of the following tips for dealing with the current heatwave gripping the Greater Dublin Region.
Please make sure to:
- Drink water and stay hydrated
- Apply a high factor sun cream
- Stay cool and seek shade, particularly between the hours of 10am and 4pm
- Wear a hat and loose clothing
- If you begin to feel weak, sit down and seek help
- Check on elderly neighbours during this time
- Please ensure pets and animals are also kept hydrated
Further to this, Dublin Fire Brigade have encountered instances in our county where fire hydrants have been opened, flooding the surrounding streets. Vandalising fire hydrants puts lives at risk and reduces the city's water supply, please contact An Garda Síochána if you see anyone doing so.
Please also note that swimming in canals or reservoirs is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all times.
Irish Water Update
Irish Water has announced additional measures to protect the water supply in the Greater Dublin area.
The utility has lowered night-time water pressure levels in the region to the minimum level that will not impact businesses but will assist it in managing demand more effectively.
Please check Irish Water's Twitter account @IWcare for further updates.
Condition Red Forest Fire Issued
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has issued a Condition Red Forest Fire Danger Rating Notice in advance of further heatwave forecasts for the remainder of the week.
Condition Red is the highest level and is rare in Ireland. The Department has also highlighted the current extreme danger to resources and public safety arising from vegetation fires, especially gorse, and particularly in proximity to heavily populated areas and on urban interfaces.
- Do not cause or light fires in and around forests or open lands. This incudes BBQs, campfires and other open fires.
- Dispose of smoking materials responsibly.
- Do not attempt to intervene or fight fires under any circumstances.
- Gather all family/group members and move to a safe fuel-free location such as a car park, upwind of the fire.
- Telephone Fire and Rescue Services via 112 and report the fire and its location.
- Evacuate if instructed to do so. Co-operate with all Emergency Service Instructions.
- Further information on Fire management and wildfire protection is available at https://twitter.com/agriculture_ie
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