South Dublin County Council hosts Disabilities Rights seminar
Gathering explored how to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities'.
A seminar exploring how to implement ‘the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities’ took place in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Tallaght on Thursday, 4 April 2019.
The seminar’s keynote address was provided by Senator John Dolan who addressed issues associated with implementing the Convention at County level. Dr Iris Elliott, Head of Research, at the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission also outlined that organisation’s role in monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Convention whilst Dr John Bosco Conama, Board Director, Irish Deaf Society, delivered the third presentation of the morning.
Deputising for the Mayor of South Dublin County, Councillor Charlie O'Connor said,
“I am delighted to support this seminar which will encourage a clear understanding of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities and the role we all play in implementing it at local level. In turn, and on behalf of all the people of this County, I want to sincerely thank the South Dublin County Disability Advisory and Consultative Panel for their very significant contribution to date in making South Dublin more accessible for all our citizens”.
The South Dublin County Disability Advisory and Consultative Panel is a partnership between South Dublin County Council and local disabled people. Their remit is to advise the Council on key issues that are relevant to the lives and interests of disabled people in the County and to have both an advisory role and a consultative to developments in the County that are led by the Council.
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