September Sings with Events across South Dublin!
September Sings with Events across South Dublin!
Live Performance continues across South Dublin in September. Supported by South Dublin Arts Office and the Dept. of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media through the Live Local Performance Scheme.
“We are delighted to have another packed month of entertainment across South Dublin with something for everybody to celebrate local artists and highlight great local talent”. Orla Scannell, Arts Officer said.
September events kick off with a celebration of Castletymon Library’s first Birthday on Saturday 3rd with Trad Music, Song & Dance, Storytelling and Daring Dames Acrobats at 12pm, 2.30pm, 1pm & 3.30pm.
Jazzabelles perform Jazz and Blues standards with an interactive workshop at The Garden, Round Tower Clondalkin from 1pm on Wednesday 14th with lots of fun promised for all.
The Niamh Keane Quartet perform at North Clondalkin Library from 12.30pm on Thursday 15th and again on Culture Night, Friday 23rd 7.30pm where they will be joined by Spoken Word Artist Brian Currivan and there will an open mic session.
Dyad, guitar duo will be at Rua Red Theatre for a free performance of original, Irish, and Classical Music on Saturday 17th at 4pm. Later Saturday Snug Productions Presents Niamh Keane, Sadhbh Keane and Emma Langford for an evening of song at Áras Chrónáin, Clondalkin at 7.30pm.
On A House Like A Fire, a nostalgic funny and moving immersive theatre performance will take place at the Civic Theatre on 16th & 17th September at 8.15pm
BlueBellBeats present Hip Hop, RnB and Afrobeat’s from Clondalkin trio NeuBrí at Think Punk Studios, JFK Road at 8.30pm on Saturday 17th at 8.30pm.
Rathfarnham Concert Band will perform Jazz, Classical and Music from Musicals & Film with a full orchestra at Rathfarnham Castle Park from 3pm on Sunday 18th.
Spooky interactive tales of magic & mischief for children and adults will take place at the Round Tower Clondalkin, performed by Simone Schummelfeder at 3.30pm and 4.30pm on Wednesday 21st.
South Dublin Dance Academy launch their new studios at Tallaght Enterprise Centre, Main Road Tallaght with an interactive Dance Showcase on Culture Night, Friday 23rd at 4pm, and later that evening Aras Chrónáin host a Fire Spectacle and Circus Performance from Tornaido at 8pm and The Riptide Movement celebrate the night at Kenny’s of Lucan at 9.30pm.
Favour Odusola and Vithoria Escobar will host Flashmobs outside Rua Red at 2.30pm & 3.30pm on Saturday 24th.
Trad in Tymon with Micheal Dunphy & Friends will take place at Castletymon Library Gardens at 6.30pm on Monday 26th.
More fun for little ones to be had at What to do on a Rainy Day an interactive playful puppet show for 3-6 year olds takes place at Adamstown Youth and Community Centre on Friday 30th at 2.30pm.
SÍOG – Growing a Future an interactive comedic performance by Freshly Ground Theatre takes place in Rathfarnham on Friday 30th (Private Event, with Public Event to follow in October)
Meanwhile, The Full Shillin’ and Mobile Music Machine continue their tours to invited audiences at South Dublin Care Homes. Concerts take place Lisheen, Kiltipper Woods, Lexington House, Peamount Hospital, Cheverstown House and more across September.
If you enjoy your entertainment with food & crafts, South Dublin Markets continue each Saturday at Tymon & Corkagh Parks from 11am with lots of entertainment from Minion Characters, Broken Theatre Circus Workshops, Balloon Modelling, Mobile Library Storytelling, a Family Dog Show, Wooly Wards Farm, and live music from Zar Acoustic, Taylor D, Angel Brennan, Mikey Smyths Neighbourhood Rock & Philip O Toole and more!
For further information on events and all booking details please see: The Arts Office, South Dublin website.
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