Mayor celebrates 40 Years of the Tallaght Person of the Year Awards
The Mayor of South Dublin County, Councillor Emma Murphy, welcomed Tallaght Community Council to County Hall, Tallaght on Thursday, 25 May for a reception to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Tallaght Person of the Year Awards.
The event sought to acknowledge the work of Tallaght Community Council and all the volunteers who have made this community run awards programme such a huge success and a highlight in every Tallaght resident’s calendar. The awards comprise nine categories ranging from Business to Environment to Heart of Gold. For more information on the awards please visit Tallaght Person of the Year Awards.
The event was attended by Tallaght Community Council volunteers and past winners of this prestigious award. The Mayor presented Tallaght Community Council Chairman Roderick Smith with a gift to mark the 40th anniversary celebrations.
Speaking at the event, the Mayor Cllr Emma Murphy said “I was delighted to recognise the 40th Anniversary of the Tallaght Person of the Year Awards in County Hall, Tallaght. The longevity and commitment of the event is something that I felt needed to be commended publicly. Having past winners going back to 1983 made the evening so special. Tallaght Community Council do immeasurable work in the community in Tallaght, and I was very honoured to have such a large crowd of volunteers and community activists with us to celebrate all that is special about the Tallaght Person of the Year Awards.”
Tallaght Community Council Chairman Roderick Smyth said “We are proud to have reached this considerable milestone in a volunteer awards program, the 40th awards in 2023. Lots of voluntary effort can ebb and flow over a long time, but our community awards have not only survived, but they have grown and thrived. This is because of the steadfast commitment of the volunteers on the TCC committee today and in the past.
We thank the Mayor, and SDCC for formally recognising Tallaght Community Council and the awards we run each year to shine a light on the unsung heroes in Tallaght.”
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