Inspection of private rented properties.
South Dublin County Council is dedicated to improving the living standards of tenants in private rented housing in the South Dublin County Council area. This is done through the inspection of private rented properties. These inspections are carried out on a proactive basis and in response to complaints from members of the public. We carry out inspections of properties that are managed by an Approved Housing Body (AHB), are part of the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) or are in receipt of the Housing Assistant Payment (HAP).
In the case of HAP tenancies once the tenant has registered and begun their tenancy, landlords and tenants will be contacted to arrange an inspection of the dwelling on behalf of South Dublin County Council within the first 8 months unless it was already inspected in the previous 12 months. If the property passes the inspection the next inspection will be in four years (typical inspection cycle) or if a new tenancy begins, whichever is soonest.
South Dublin County Council has appointed Global Home Warranties as inspections company for Private Rented Inspections within the administrative area of South County Dublin. More information is available from Minimum Standards for Private Rented Accommodation - SDCC
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