Heritage Week in Clondalkin Library
Heritage Week crochet lace project launched in Clondalkin Library
Clondalkin Library hosted the launch of an engaging cultural heritage project during National Heritage Week on Wednesday 16th August.
‘Threading the Tower – reimagining the Clondalkin Round Tower’ is an initiative of the Council’s Heritage Officer and the Irish Crochet Lace Revival group, with the involvement of local crochet makers from Clondalkin and beyond.
In conjunction with lace artist Fiona Harrington, a 1.5m high model of the medieval Clondalkin Round Tower was designed and constructed using copper wire, stainless steel, and fine thread crochet lace squares.
A key element of the project was the involvement of the wider Clondalkin crochet community, including the family descendants of the local women who designed and made crochet for the haute couture gowns of Sybil Connolly in the 1950s and 1960s.
Over 35 women made and submitted square motifs for inclusion in the model, with pieces arriving from the wider Dublin area, Westmeath, Kildare, Offaly, Cork, Britain, and Canada.
The project was funded by the Creative Ireland programme and South Dublin County Council.
The Crochet Tower can be viewed in Clondalkin Library until the middle of September, after which it will visit other Library venues throughout South Dublin County.
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