E-Scooter Campaign Launch
South Dublin County Council (SDCC) along with An Garda Síochána (AGS) are launching a high profile multi-agency social media campaign aimed at educating the public on the ‘Safe Use of E-Scooters’.
The campaign will commence on Friday,7 February 2025 via SDCC and AGS social media channels, SDCC Libraries, SDCC and AGS public areas.
The campaign focuses on highlighting the rules of the road in relation to e-scooter use, particularly their non-use on footpaths. E-scooter users must use the road. Drivers should give at least 1 metre clearance when overtaking an e-scooter user in speed zones that are 50km/h or under and at least 1.5 metres in speed zones over 50km/h. Motorists sharing the road with e-scooter users should treat them the same as cyclists and consider them a Vulnerable Road User (VRU). E-scooter users are reminded to follow the same rules as cyclists, ensuring they are visible at all times and equipped with proper lighting front and back.
Pictured: Super Intendent Roads Policing Tom Murphy, Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Cllr Baby Pereppadan, A/Director of Land Use, Planning and Transportation Michael McAdams (SDCC), Road Safety Officer Orlaith Maguire (SDCC)
E-scooter users must be aware that breaking the rules of the road, not following regulations and improper or dangerous use of an e-scooter may result in a fixed charge notice/fine.
Road Safety Officer at South Dublin County Council Orlaith Maguire said ‘the campaign is aimed at educating and creating awareness about the safe use of e-scooters and the traffic regulations relating to them, highlighting that this group of road users fall into the ‘Vulnerable Road User’ category and drivers must remember to treat them accordingly.
Further information can be found at info@sdublincoco.ie
‘An Garda Síochána are delighted to work alongside and support SDCC in the launch of this very important road safety campaign designed towards promoting the safe use of e-scooters for all. Whilst the e-scooter is seen as a novel mode of transport, it is vitally important that owners and users are keenly aware of the legal requirements to ensure the safe use of this mode of transport on public roadways. It’s also an opportunity to inform other road users about the presence of vulnerable road users and to provide for adequate safe distances between their vehicles and vulnerable persons.’
The Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Cllr.Baby Pereppaddan expressed his delight at the launch of the SDCC e-scooter campaign, noting 'we are asking people on e-scooters and other road users to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road in relation to e-scooter use and safety, the traffic laws and regulations around use of this vehicle type and to remember we all share the road together''.
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