Dublin Mountains Visitor Centre Project (DMVC)
Dublin Mountains Visitor Centre Project (DMVC) is a development led by South Dublin County Council, supported by Coillte. The DMVC Project will be known as ‘Hellfire’ following a carefully executed branding strategy in consultation with key stakeholders.
The Project is intended to serve as a gateway to the wider leisure and tourism opportunities available in the Dublin Mountains. It will offer visitors a place of orientation and interpretation, informing them about the geography, archaeology and history of the area – both of the immediate vicinity around Montpelier Hill, Massey’s Wood, and the Hellfire Club, as well as the wider Dublin Mountains region to the south.
The Project is now progressing to detailed design and to inform this stage of the Project, specialists have been engaged, Ground Investigation Ireland (GII), to carry out ground investigation works within the Project area. The Ground Investigation works will help us determine the permeability of the soil, anticipated depth to/strength of rock and other parameters. This data is important to allow the Project to be designed accurately.
The Ground Investigation works have also been planned to gather the greatest amount of information to inform the design with a little impact as possible. In accordance with the planning permission requirements, and best practice, the works on Montpellier Hill and within Massey’s Wood will be overseen by an archaeologist and due to the sensitive environmental nature of the site, a senior ecologist has reviewed and agreed the location of the works. The ecologist will also carry out ongoing reviews during the works.
During the works, it may be necessary to temporarily close a trail locally to the public for health and safety reasons. Such closures shall only be for the minimum period of time needed to complete the works at that location. In addition, minor traffic management systems will be in place locally for works along the road for a minimum period of time when required.
The Ground Investigation works will occur from 22nd of April 2024 for a period of 5 Weeks and will be carried out in phases reduce any disruption.
For further information, please visit hellfiredublinmountains.ie or contact us on econdev@sdublincoco.ie
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