Corporate Plan 2020 - 24 Adopted by Council
Corporate Plan 2020 - 2024
Elected members have adopted the Council's Corporate Plan 2020 - 2024 at Monday's full Council meeting. The Corporate Plan is the result of extensive consultation across councillors and staff, the public and external stakeholder bodies, as well as strategic planning and analysis across the activities of the Council.
The Council’s new mission statement is to ‘to make our county a vibrant and inclusive place for the people who live, visit, work, and do business here, now and for the future.’
The Core Values of the Council that we will endeavour to place at the heart of everything we do as an organisation and as individual staff members is to provide a service that lives up to these six values:
Customer service
We will provide accessible, courteous, consistent, impartial and responsive service. We will operate a citizens’ charter including a complaints and redress system to underpin this commitment.
We will act in a sustainable way in relation to finance, the environment, community affairs and socio-economic issues. Sustainability means meeting the needs of people today without harming the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Inclusiveness, equality and accessibility
We will prioritise social inclusion, equality of access and opportunity, and the needs of the most vulnerable people in society when we design and deliver services.
Innovation, creativity and diversity
We will look at new, creative and diverse ways to deliver services and solve problems and will encourage the people, groups and organisations we work with to take a similar approach.
Accountability and transparency
We will communicate openly with people and will be transparent in all decision-making.
Value for money
We will use resources efficiently and will continually assess and evaluate our performance.
The Corporate Plan 2020 - 2024 provides a clear link for citizens between the Council’s Annual Service Delivery Plans, the budgetary process and the Chief Executive’s monthly progress report. Having been adopted by elected members, the plan is currently being designed and will be available online at www.sdcc.ie shortly.
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