Call to Home Builders and Housing Developers
To offer houses and apartments with planning permission in unbuilt or partially commenced developments to South Dublin County Council under an advance purchase turnkey arrangement for social and affordable housing. This is a scheme primarily to activate un-commenced or stalled housing projects. Priority will be given to high quality projects that deliver earliest, subject to value for money considerations.*
The following proposal types will be considered by South Dublin County Council:
- Turnkey residential units in completed developments, or in developments due for completion in 2023, 2024, 2025 & 2026.
- Joint venture arrangements that include delivery of social and affordable homes with an Approved Housing Body.
- Splitting into phases and across multiple schemes and other arrangements may also be considered.
- Any other variant proposal under advanced purchase turnkey arrangements that home builders/developers may wish to put forward for consideration.
Applications will be assessed under the following criteria:
- Delivery Programme
- Social/Affordable Housing need/suitability at that location
- Value for money
- Quality of design and construction in accordance with Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage requirements
If you are interested, please submit a completed Expression of Interest Form to construction@sdublincoco.ie, or call 01-414-9000 if you have any questions.
* Housing schemes purchases are subject to the approval of, as well as engagement and sharing of data with, the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage and State Agencies acting on behalf of the Government. South Dublin County Council is not obliged to purchase any schemes of houses/apartments submitted as part of this process.
* South Dublin County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014. If you consider that, any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. This material will be reviewed as part of the response to any FOI requests received and decisions will be made in accordance with the criteria for exemptions provided for in the Freedom of Information Act 2014. It is at the discretion of South Dublin County Council to assess or not assess any application/proposal received in response to this call.
Expression of Interest Form for Turnkey Units.docx (size 89.9 KB)
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