

Mayor officially opened Whitestown Stream Park upgrade.

30 May 24

On Wednesday 29 May 2024, the Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Cllr. Alan Edge officially opened Whitestown Stream Park upgrade.

Speaking at the event Mayor Cllr. Alan Edge said: “It brings me great joy to warmly welcome you to Whitestown Stream Park today, where we celebrate the recently completed park upgrade. This space, once an under-utilized green area, has been transformed into an 8-acre park that now meets the growing needs of our community. Whitestown Stream Park is part of a network of park developments strategically connected to promote pedestrian and biodiversity connectivity. The park upgrade includes new park entrances, a play-exercise trail, a footpath exercise loop, a cycle south Dublin link that will connect to the wider cycle infrastructure, two new bridges, planting, signage, seating, an informal kick-around area, and areas for biodiversity. I would like to thank the Public Realm Section in South Dublin, who along with Nicholas de Jong Associates Landscape and Urban Design Consultants have carried out the planning, design work and project management. A special mention goes to the project contractor, Clonmel Enterprises Ltd, for conducting the work. I would like to acknowledge and thank the local community and elected members for their assistance and input during the construction stage and their support for this project in general”.




For further information contact South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 on

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