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Street running

Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

We offer grants and funding throughout the year to support clubs, groups, and community organizations in developing sport and physical activity in South Dublin.

Funding can help with participation initiatives, equipment and training, and long-term planning. Active South Dublin provides grant support to a wide range of sporting, educational and community organisations. Funding is available for equipment, leader training, programme and operational costs. The overall aim is to increase and sustain participation in sport and health enhancing physical across the community of South Dublin County, with a particular emphasis on supporting the inclusion of non-active members of our community.

Sports Development Grant

Active South Dublin provides grant support to a wide range of sporting, educational and community organisations. Funding is available for equipment, leader training, programme and operational costs. The overall aim is to increase and sustain participation in sport and health enhancing physical across the community of South Dublin County, with a particular emphasis on supporting the inclusion of non-active members of our community.

For more information and to apply click HERE.

Primary Schools Swim Programme

Active South Dublin offers an annual grant to primary schools to help fund swimming programmes. Grants range from €500 to €1,500, depending on factors such as pupil numbers, whether the school is a DEIS school or a special school, and previous support. Schools can apply for funding at the end of the school year (May), with funding provided for the following school year. 

Schools will be contacted when the next round of grants is launched.

Club Strategy Development Fund

The Club Strategy Development Fund helps clubs identify priorities, improve services, and enhance community impact. Fully funded and guided by an expert over 3–4 months, it provides a strategic roadmap for growth and funding success. 

Please monitor the Active South Dublin site, the SDCC website and social media channels for announcements regarding the launch of the next round of grants

EmergingTalent Bursary Scheme

The “Emerging Talent Bursary Scheme” supports individual athletes in the South Dublin County Council Administrative area, helping cover costs related to training, travel, accommodation, equipment and medical expenses where required, to pursue top-level competition. It is not available for team sport participants.

The total bursary sum countywide for 2025 is €65,000.

For more information and to apply click Here