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Develop demonstration projects for successful planting and establishment of trees in urban hardscapes

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Develop demonstration projects for successful planting and establishment of trees in urban hardscapes

Lead Dept(s):Environment, Water and Climate Change; Public Realm
Indicators:Pilot area identified and trial solutions designed

Targets Impacted

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South Dublin County Council recognises the value of street trees in the urban environment and is committed to planting new trees through the Council’s ‘Living with Trees’ Tree Management Policy. Trees make a major contribution to the character and appearance of South Dublin County. They provide significant economic, social, environmental, ecological, and aesthetic benefits to communities and to urban and residential streets, parks and open spaces. They also enhance biodiversity and play a crucial role in mitigating climate change.

Information on the current tree planting programme can be found here. Requests for tree planting can be accepted at any time of the year. Requests can be made by contacting or by phoning 01 414 9000.

Tree pits are a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) approach to planting trees in the public realm. Through a permeable surface around the base of each tree, they allow rainfall to flow into the ground at the roots and represent a leading way to plant new trees in an urban setting, with the addition of mitigating flood risk in an otherwise paved area.

Tree planting in tree pits has now been completed on St. Joseph’s Road in Greenhills, South Dublin with other areas being assessed for further planting potential.

Areas targeted for new tree planting are those where trees have been removed or where there is an identified need to increase the overall tree cover. The principle of planting the ‘right tree in the right place’ applies for all new and replacement tree planting.