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Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

South Dublin County Council’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2024-2029, was approved by Elected Members at the County Council meeting, held on Monday February 12th 2024. The CAP sets out mitigation, adaptation and other climate action measures, to create a low carbon and climate resilient County. The Council published the final Climate Action Plan on Thursday 7th March 2024. The Plan will have effect for a period of five years, from the date of approval.

The Climate Action Plan sets out a range of actions across the six theme areas of Energy & Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature Based Solutions, Circular Economy & Resource Management and Citizen Engagement. This is aligned to the Government’s overall National Climate Objective, which seeks to pursue and achieve, by no later than the end of 2050, the transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy.

The Plan is centred around actions that collectively address four key targets, which are framed by the Climate (Amendment) Act 2021 and the national Climate Action Plan:


  • 50% improvement in the Council’s energy efficiency by 2030;
  • 51% reduction in the Council’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030;
  • To make Dublin a climate resilient region, by reducing the impacts of future climate change-related events; and
  • To actively engage and inform our communities on climate action.


The Climate Action Plan sets out how South Dublin County Council will be responsible for enhancing climate resilience, increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, across its own assets, services and infrastructure, to which it is ‘fully accountable’ for, whilst also demonstrating a broader role of ‘influencing’, ‘coordinating and facilitating’ and ‘advocating’ for other sectors, to meet their own climate targets and ambitions.

This is necessary to ensure that the environmental, social and economic benefits associated with climate action, can be fully realised, thereby facilitating a Just Transition. The Council will also continue its efforts in rolling out ambitious climate action projects, drawing down available sources of funding, pursuing citizen and stakeholder engagement, all supported by a progressive policy framework.


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