Ireland’s Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAMS) Programme is central to the medium- and long-term strategy for the reduction and management of flood risk throughout Ireland. South Dublin County Council is working with the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) and the Office of Public Works (OPW) to implement CFRAMS. CFRAMS delivers core components of the National Flood Policy whilst also meeting the requirements of the EU Floods Directive.
The programme is funded and managed by the OPW who, as competent authority, are responsible for reporting, coordination, and consultation under the Floods Directive. A Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management study was commissioned in each River Basin District. Data collection included historic flood event and rainfall records, high resolution floodplain surveying, and detailed channel/structure surveys of selected rivers. Hydraulic models determined flood hazard and flood risk (the impact on people, the economy, and the environment).