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Create Energy Master Plan for the Dublin Region

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Create Energy Master Plan for the Dublin Region

Lead Dept(s):Codema
Indicators:Website with e-Map

Targets Impacted

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The Dublin Region Energy Masterplan, prepared by the county’s energy agency Codema, identifies evidence-based, costed pathways to achieve carbon emissions reductions to 2030 and 2050. The Masterplan uses spatially driven, energy scenario modelling to identify cost-optimal solutions at a local level in Dublin, based on the specific energy “characteristics” or profile of a particular area.

This Masterplan looks at ‘what should go where’ for every part of Dublin, based on the type of area it is and the technologies that are best suited to reducing energy-related emissions within that area. The Masterplan also brings together national government plans and policies to show the impact they will have on Dublin. The resulting analyses will give local authority and regional level planners, architects, engineers, and other policymakers the tools to create effective, low carbon policies and form strategic decisions to influence the use of energy in Dublin. The Masterplan and accompanying documents can be viewed at the Dublin Region Energy Masterplan website.