Development Plan Guidelines and the Annual Report
To assess the success with which the development plan is being implemented, the guidelines state that planning authorities will need to establish a frequent, reliable and ongoing monitoring system for their development plan as a permanent function.
The monitoring task of the planning authority for its development plan comprises of two strategic monitoring elements:
(a) Core Strategy Monitoring (Annual)
(b) Plan Objectives Monitoring (including SEA Monitoring)
This presentation relates to Part A the Core Strategy Annual Monitoring Report.
The Development Plan Guidelines specifically set out that the Core Strategy Monitoring Report should be carried out Annually and sets out specific indicators which have formed the structure of this presentation.
Presentation Structure
Part 1 Residential Monitoring
1.1 New home completions
1.2 New home completions per NPO 3
1.3 Planning
permissions granted for residential development
1.4 Social and Affordable Housing Supply Pipeline during the plan period
1.5 The breakdown by relevant rural area housing:
Part 2 Commercial Monitoring
2.1 Developed and occupied commercial floorspace
2.2 Planning permissions for business/employment