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Transpose national Legislation and regulation on Climate Change adaptation and flood management into South Dublin County Council development guidelines

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Transpose national Legislation and regulation on Climate Change adaptation and flood management into South Dublin County Council development guidelines

Lead Dept(s):Environment, Water and Climate Change
Indicators:Guidelines produced

Targets Impacted

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National legislation and regulation such as the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act is being transposed into South Dublin County Council policy and guidelines, including Greater Dublin Regional Code of Practice for Drainage Works and the Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Strategy (GDSDS).

South Dublin County Council recently produced Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) guidance documents including a Sustainable Drainage Explanatory Design and Evaluation Guide and a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment to inform policy and to support the development of the County Development Plan 2022-2028. A series of workshops were arranged to allow input from council staff. McCloy Consulting produced a Scoping Report and Literature review on similar SuDS evaluation and guidance as part of the development.