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SDCC Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 published

The South Dublin County Council Draft Climate Action Plan is now out on public consultation.

The draft plan responds to the continuing challenges presented by climate change and lays out South Dublin County Council’s (SDCC) course of action over the five-year lifetime of the plan, with these next five years being vital for meaningful climate action.

The plan can be viewed online here.

The draft plan and all accompanying documents are currently on display at the following locations:

  • At South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24A3XC (Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) between the hours of 10.00am and 4.00pm)
  • At Clondalkin Civic Office, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 (Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) between the hours of 10.00am and 12.00pm and 2.00pm and 4.00pm)
  • At the following Council Libraries during normal opening hours:
    • County Library, Library Square, Tallaght, Dublin D24A3EX.
    • Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin D14 VY33.
    • Clondalkin Library, Monastery Road, Clondalkin, Dublin D22 XPO3.
    • Lucan Library, Lucan Shopping Centre, Newcastle Road, Lucan, Dublin K78 V295.
    • North Clondalkin Library, Liscarne Close, Rowlagh, Dublin 22.

Observations or submissions can be made between Wednesday 20th September and Friday 3rd November 2023 inclusive, through the following two options only:

  • A written submission can be made electronically through the Council’s Online Public Consultation Portal: (up to 11.59pm on Friday 3rd November 2023); Or
  • In writing, addressed to the Senior Engineer, Climate Action, Environment, Water and Climate Change Department, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 (not later than 4.00pm on 3rd November 2023).