Clondalkin Context
Background and Context to the preparation of a Local Area Plan for Clondalkin
The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy identifies the area in which Clondalkin is located as part of the southwest strategic residential and employment corridor. The aim of the strategic corridors is to create sustainable compact communities with improved housing choice, access to social and economic opportunities and enhanced services and amenities. The South-West corridor supports the consolidation of the new development areas planned for Clonburris and Kilcarbery and employment growth at Grange Castle.
Clondalkin is a secondary administrative centre for South Dublin County and is identified as a Level 3 Retail Centre in the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy. There is potential for growth within the central village area and surrounds owing to a number of sites with development potential located within or proximate to the village core. A Local Area Plan will help manage this growth.