Chapter 6

Ensure the delivery of high quality and well-designed homes in sustainable communities to meet a diversity of housing needs within the County.
Homes are the cornerstone of our experience of everyday life from which strong communities can emerge. Ensuring that appropriate policy supports and design standards are in place contributes towards creating a good quality of life for citizens in the right locations.
South Dublin’s population is to grow by an additional 46,518 persons up to a total population of 325,285 persons by 2028. Ensuring the diverse range of needs is met, not only for this population growth but also for the existing population forms a key overarching consideration of this Development Plan.
In the context of this population growth, South Dublin will need almost 18,000 new homes by the end of 2028, over 2,000 per year. Ensuring this level of additional homes are of the highest quality and are in the right location while making sure services which provide support, like education, transport, retail and other services are within easy walking distance (10-minutes) promoting sustainable travel movements is a central challenge for growth going forward.
The spatial approach to the Development Plan is to make the most efficient use of land and existing infrastructure by focusing development on urban infill and brownfield lands thereby reducing urban sprawl.
In anticipation of this population growth, the Development Plan is supported by a Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA. Future housing provision will take account of the housing needs of the County’s population and in particular changing demographic factors such as: the countywide decline in average household size as the population of people aged over 65 is projected to increase by 51% from 2016 – 2031, an increase of 30% of the 15-24 age group, the rising affordability issues in the County over the plan period and a trend showing that pre-family groups are locating in newly constructed homes at the edges of the County since 2016.
It is important that the County has housing that is affordable and attractive to all who want to live in South Dublin which provides for a variety of housing typologies and tenures which are adaptable, flexible, and meet family needs and the changing needs of people throughout their lives.
This will be delivered in the context of ensuring that high quality homes are designed and delivered which are energy efficient and serve the needs of a diverse population.
Housing, Healthy Placemaking and Climate Action
Housing should be delivered in a manner which facilitates the needs of a diverse range of people, providing a balance in term of unit mix and tenure types. The design, function and layout of housing schemes, when done well, contributes significantly towards the delivery of healthy placemaking.
Locating new housing in the right location ensures ease of movement by active modes to existing amenities, services and places of work. This facilitates a move away from car-based and unsustainable travel patterns thereby reducing emissions.
Housing layout and design considerations can also contribute positively towards climate adaptation by ensuring new development is sited away from areas at risk of flooding, while the design, orientation and building materials used can ensure energy efficient homes are delivered.
Policies and objective which will have a climate-positive impact have reference numbers indicated in green text.