Chapter 13



This Chapter sets out development standards and criteria that arise out of the policies and objectives of the County Development Plan, to ensure that development occurs in an orderly and efficient manner and that it is in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development. It also sets out criteria for monitoring the implementation of Development Plan policies.

 The standards and criteria are grouped into a single chapter for ease of reference. Proposals for development will need to take account of all of the standards and criteria that apply to the particular development, in addition to being assessed for consistency with the policies and objectives set out in the preceding chapters of the Plan and compliance with relevant guidelines and legislative requirements.

 Chapter 13 sets out standards and criteria for the following:

 13.1 Land Use Zoning Objectives

13.2 Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage

13.3 Green Infrastructure

13.4 Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking

13.5 Residential Development

13.6 Community Infrastructure

13.7 Economic Development and Employment

13.8 Sustainable Movement

13.9 Infrastructure and Environmental Services

13.10 Energy

13.11 Monitoring