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Active Travel Schools

St Dominic's Safe Routes To School


SDCC is currently working on the construction of our School Zone at the front of school on Mountain Park.


The School Zone is designed to:

  • Improve front of school access for those arriving via active travel and
  • Reduce traffic at school gates which increases safety. The School Zone also aims to address safety concerns raised by parents in the SRTS survey conducted in 2021. 94% of respondents would support works at the front of school that improve student safety, putting pedestrians and cyclists first


The new features incorporated to our School Zone includes:

  • Colorful school railing themes as four seasons and pencil tops to bright up the front of school environment;
  • Resurfaced footpath for a smooth and obstacle free walking and wheeling;
  • Two new raised zebra crossing for safe crossing.


The next features to be implemented over the coming weeks includes:

  • Pencil bollards and planters along the front of school at Mountain Park;
  • Road marking and colourful roundels to clearly mark the front of school area at Mountain Park;
  • New raised zebra crossing at St. Dominic’s Street at St. Dominic’s Shopping Centre

What can you do to help?

 ❑ Accompany and encourage the children to walk, scoot or cycle.

❑ Adhere to the principles of the School Zone and minimise parking within it.

 ❑ Reduce your speed when passing through the School Zone.

❑ Use Park and Stride where possible. There are three Park and Stride locations within 3-min from the school.

 ❑ Refrain from undertaking U-turns at the Mountain Park roundabout. 


  • What? Park and Stride is a well-established concept that is being adopted by schools all around Ireland. It involves parking up to 10 minutes walk from the school and walking the last section of the trip to school.
  • Why? Park and Stride reduces traffic congestion at the front of school which in turn reduces the risk of accidents and improves air quality. It also frees up space and creates a calmer space at the front of school for all students.
  • Where? Two Park and Stride locations have been identified and these are shown on the map on the next page. Each Park and Stride location is a short walk from the school.
  • Who? Everyone who can! Park and Stride might not suit everyone but if you can we would appreciate it if you could try it, even for some days of the week
  • How? Park in whichever of the Park and Stride sites suits you best and walk the last part of the trip to school. Please make sure to park respectfully, legally, and safely, avoiding double yellow lines and being careful not to block footpaths, cycle lanes, or house entrances.



Park and Stride & Walking & Cycling Routes

Park and Stride are available free of charge, at school start and finish times at three locations. St. Maelruan’s Car Park is free for 30-min but tickets still need to be collected and displayed. Alternatively, you can park legally on streets around the school but do check signage. Walking and cycling routes are also available to get to school. The Avonbeg Greenway and Dodder Greenway offer lovely routes for walking, cycling or scooting.


Please make sure to park respectfully, legally, and safely, avoiding double yellow lines and being careful not to block footpaths, cycle lanes, or house entrances.

For further information regarding the Safe Routes To School programme at St Dominics please see an informational leaflet here